Confronting Climate Change

Taking the ocean into account is critical for successfully addressing climate change, and addressing climate change is critical for the future of the ocean.


Clean Ocean Energy

Transitioning to 100% clean ocean energy by 2050

Climate change is the single biggest challenge the ocean faces. We are starting to see the catastrophic effects of a changing climate on ocean ecosystems and communities from coral reefs dying to the devastating losses suffered as stronger and more frequent hurricanes hit coastal towns. Simply put, we are in danger of losing what makes the ocean such an important and special place to so many of us.

We cannot save the ocean without acting on climate change. At the same time, we cannot solve the challenge without it. Ocean-based climate solutions could contribute as much as one-fifth of the annual greenhouse gas emission cuts needed to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. The ocean has helped stabilize our climate by absorbing the extra heat and carbon dioxide humans have pumped into the atmosphere. Now, our future and the ocean’s depends on a transition to a clean energy future.

We need to ensure the ocean is the home of climate solutions, not polluting fossil fuel operations that put our ocean, and all those who depend on it, at risk. At Ocean Conservancy we believe a rapid, responsible and just transition to the ocean as a source of 100% clean energy is possible by 2050.

To address the climate crisis and protect our ocean, we need a rapid, responsible and just transition to:
  • Phase out dirty and dangerous ocean and coastal fossil fuel infrastructure;
  • Reduce the production of virgin, fossil fuel-based plastics that drive fossil fuel demand and cause plastic pollution; and
  • Accelerate the rapid and responsible deployment of marine ocean renewables.

We can create a future where there is no oil and gas production in the ocean, no oil and gas being transported through or on the ocean, and petrochemicals are no longer being used to create plastics. Instead, the ocean is home to clean ocean energy and the communities who were once reliant on fossil fuels have good paying, safe jobs and cleaner air and water. We can ensure our ocean and the wildlife that call it home are resilient and protected against the worst impacts of climate change. Join us by taking action now to move us closer to our clean ocean energy future.

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