Confronting Climate Change

Taking the ocean into account is critical for successfully addressing climate change, and addressing climate change is critical for the future of the ocean.

Opportunities for Ocean-Climate Action in the American Jobs Plan

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Read Opportunities for Ocean-Climate Action in the American Jobs Plan here. 

Climate change is the biggest threat to the health and productivity of our ocean and our coastal communities. As part of the American Jobs Plan, the Administration and Congress have the opportunity and obligation to act swiftly and comprehensively to strengthen the economy and avoid the worst consequences of catastrophic climate change. As the American Jobs Plan is being considered, Ocean Conservancy urges inclusion of bold financial investments and changes in federal policy to reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, contribute to technological advances in clean energy, and provide resources to help communities and ecosystems adapt and thrive. The investment and scale of change needed is significant. However, investing in infrastructure and communities without addressing climate change or the pre-existing social inequities that are exacerbated by climate change will only make these efforts slower, costlier, and more inefficient.

Read Opportunities for Ocean-Climate Action in the American Jobs Plan here. 

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